Expressing WH -Questions in Japanese - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How many, How Much in Japanese

We often forget WH - Questions when we start learning Japanese. But it's very important to know these words because these are very very necessary and useful in day to day life. 

We hear these words in Anime, Japanese Songs (Jpop), Japanese Drama, Japanese Movies.

So, without wasting a time, let's just dive right in and follow my lead (Ed Sheeran's prefect song's lyrics reference)

Below is the list WH - Questions in Japanese:

  • WHAT - 何 (Nani or Nan)
  • WHO - だれ (Dare)
  • WHEN - いつ (Itsu)
  • WHERE - どこ (Doko)
  • WHY - なぜ (Naze) OR どうして (Doushite) OR なんで (Nande)
  • HOW - どう -  (Dou)
  • WHICH - どちら - (Dochira)
  • HOW MANY - いくつ - (Ikutsu)
  • HOW MUCH - いくら - (Ikura)

    WHAT in Japanese - 

       Let's see how to express/use WHAT in Japanese
       Kanji: 何
       Hiragana: なん (Nan)   OR   なに (Nani)
       何 can be read as both Nan and Nani. It is the most famous word out of all WH - questions.
       Because it is heavily used in anime, Television Dramas, movies etc...
       おなまえは何ですか。(Onamae wa nan desu ka)
       What’s your name?

       それは何?(Sore wa nani?)
       What is it?            

    WHO in Japanese - だれ

       Let's see how to express/use WHO in Japanese
       Kanji: 誰
       Hiragana: だれ (dare)
       誰 can be read as dare.

       誰ですか。(Dare desu ka)
       Who is it?

       だれが好き? (Dare ga suki?)
       Who do you like?

    WHEN in Japanese - いつ

       Let's see how to express/use WHEN in Japanese
       Hiragana: いつ (Itsu)
       いつ can be read as Itsu. If we add も particle after いつ, it becomes いつも (itsumo) which
       means Always

       きゅうじつはいつですか。(Kyūjitsu wa itsu desu ka)
       When is your holiday?”

    WHERE in Japanese - どこ

       Let's see how to express/use WHERE in Japanese
       Hiragana: どこ (doko)
       どこ can be read as doko. By adding も, でも after どこ, you can make below words:
       どこも (dokomo) - Everywhere
       どこでも (dokodemo) - Anywhere

       うちはどこですか。(Uchi wa doko desu ka)
       Where is your home?

    WHY in Japanese - なぜ

       Let's see how to express/use WHY in Japanese
       Hiragana: なぜ (naze) and どうして (doushite) and なんで (nande)
       There are 3 ways to use WHY in Japanese.
  • なぜ (naze) is used in formal situation or in writing.
  • どうして (doushite) is used in both formal and informal situation. we can use it in most situations. Sometimes it also means HOW.
  • なんで (nande) is used in casual talking with friends, family
       どうしてそうなったの? (doushite sou natta no?)
       How/Why did that happen?
       なんでかわいいですか。(nande kawaii desu ka)
       Why are you cute? (haha) (tell me why 😂)

       なぜでしか。(naze desu ka)
       Why is that/it?

    HOW in Japanese - どう

       Let's see how to express/use HOW in Japanese
       Hiragana: どう (dou)
       どう can be read as dou.

       これはどうですか。(kore wa dou desu ka)
       How is this?

    WHICH in Japanese - どちら

       Let's see how to express/use HOW in Japanese
       Hiragana: どちら (dochira)
       どちら can be read as dochira. It is also used for "Which way" to ask a direction. Sometime to
       choose something we can use dochira. 

       おくにはどちらですか。(okuni wa dochira desu ka)
       Which way is your house? (or where is your house?)

    HOW MANY in Japanese - いくつ

       Let's see how to express/use HOW MANY in Japanese
       Hiragana: いくつ (ikutsu)
       いくつ can be read as Ikutsu.

       あなたはおいくつですか。(Anata wa oikutsu desuka)
       How old are you?

       we can ask the same question in a different way as well. see below example:
       なんさいですか。(nan sai desu ka)
       How old are you? (what's your age?)

    HOW MUCH in Japanese - いくら

       Let's see how to express/use HOW MUCH in Japanese
       Hiragana: いくら (ikura)
       いくら can be read as ikura.


       このくるまはいくらですか。(kono kuruma wa ikura desu ka)
       How much is this car?

Well this concludes my WH - Questions in Japanese blog. I hope I was able to help you little bit.
Thanks for reading and have great day.

Extra: If you have some more time or you are curious then look at the below posts. Which will definitely help you in learning Japanese.

If you have any suggestions, questions then feel free to comment.

がんばってください。-  Do your best! 👍

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what in Japanese, who in Japanese, where in Japanese, which in Japanese, why/how  in Japanese, which in Japanese, how many in Japanese, how much in Japanese


  1. This is very good 😍😍You should post about kosado words


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