Ultimate "How to Learn Japanese" Guide for Beginners

Ultimate "How to Learn Japanese" Guide for Beginners

In this blog, I will explain you that how can you start a Japanese if you are totally new.

You might want to learn Japanese because of anime, job in Japan, or may be as a part of school/university subject. Well, Fear not my dear friends, It Is Fine Now. Why? Because I Am Here! (All might's reference from My Hero Academia anime)

This blog is divided in 2 STEPS. 

NOTE: First read the whole blog(from beginning to end). Just read. Once you finish reading the whole whole, start learning with STEP 1 and then STEP 2


  • Learn the basic terms

    • Hiragana
    • Katakana
    • Kanji
    • Romaji

  • Learn Order Wise (Step 1)

    • First Learn Hiragana from Hiragana Blog (Link is given below). While learning Hiragana, make sure you are learning vocabulary too. (see the YouTube Video given in Hiragana Blog)
    • Second Learn Katakana from Katakana Blog (Link is given below). While learning Katakana, make sure you are learning vocabulary too. (see the YouTube Video given in Katakana Blog)
    • No need to learn Kanji as of now, because you are just a beginner (Just try to know a little bit about kanji. Its history, what is kanji etc…)
    • For now, Mostly focus on Hiragana and Katakana with some vocabulary.
    • Remember, Learning Vocabulary is very very important. Without vocabularies, you won't be able to understand or speak at all. 

  • Kanji Mentioned in Basic Term Blog (above)
  • Romaji:  Mentioned in Basic Term Blog (above)


  • Learn Order Wise

    • Greetings
    • Particles
    • Kanji

  • Greetings
  • Try to learn greetings. For example:
    • Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
    • Thank you, Thank you very much
    • Sorry, I am really sorry
    • Nice to meet you.
    • How are you?
    • I am fine/ok/alright.
    • I am not fine/not ok/not alright etc…
    • Google about common greetings in Japanese. As of now, I don't have any blogs related to greetings or vocabulary, so you have to google them. I will soon post about these topics too.  
    • Learn about Japanese culture. It will help you to understand how they behave and react to certain situations. Which is very necessary.

  • Particles:

    • From here, Japanese really gets exciting. Using particles you can make a good sentence and understand them in a better way.
    • There are so many definitions of “what is a particle in Japanese?” but I will try to make it simple. (Read below)
    • Particles in Japanese don’t have any meaning on their own but in sentences, they’re used to bind words together like an infusion of delicious taste.
    • Particles might be small—the word actually comes from the Latin particula, meaning “little bit” or “part”—but they’re essential parts of Japanese sentences and learning to use them correctly is crucial to acquiring Japanese fluency.
    • They follow other words such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives as parts of a sentence. Some but not all can be compared to prepositions in English. The Japanese language uses around 188 particles.
    • Some Examples of Particles: 
      • は (wa), が(ga), と(to)
      • か(ka), の(no), を(o)
      • も(mo), に(ni), へ (e) and で (de) etc...
    • You might have noticed that I wrote hiragana は (ha) as は (wa). And it’s right. Some hiragana are pronounced differently when they are used as Particles. So take a note of it. 
    • for example: を(wo) read as を(o) and へ (he) read as へ (e)
    • Since we are going to learn order wise, I will not recommend remembering all the particles at once because it can be overwhelming and you will get confused. But there are some particles which you MUST LEARN to make simple sentences or to get you started with Japanese.
    • Try to study in depth about these particles (given below) first then you can learn more particles in your free time.
    • Important Particles for Beginners:  は (wa), が(ga), の(no), を(o)
    • You can Google about them or watch some videos on YouTube as well.
    • One of the biggest questions arises to lots of people about particle is: “When to use は (wa) and が(ga) particles?” and I admit that it’s quite confusing if you are new to the Japanese language and you should know when to use which one.
    • So to avoid the confusion between は (wa) and が(ga) particles you have to learn in depth about them from YouTube/website or some friends. And believe me once you start speaking Japanese, you will automatically get the hang of these particles.

  • Introduction:

    • Learn the Vocabularies like 
      • I, Me, Myself
      • We, you, your, yourself
      • Name, hobby, interest, country name, age
      • Likes, dislikes etc…
    • Now after learning the above English words, try to google how to make sentences, how to introduce yourself in Japanese, watch some YouTube videos
    • If possible, try to write down your introduction in a notebook. So that you will have writing (hiragana-katakana) practice and you will remember it for a long time.
    • Whenever you meet a new person who’s learning Japanese or native speaker, you can use this introduction to start a conversation.

  • Kanji:

    • Look what do we have here? Yes Kanji (again!). Well we can’t forget kanji because it's a very important part of Japanese Language. Actually If you wanna be so fluent in Japanese then you must know kanji. That’s how important it is.
    • But if you are new to Japanese then don’t directly jump on the kanji from the beginning. Because most likely you will end up hating kanji (Because it’s hard) or might get demotivated.
    • So what to do???? Well read below (xD) (I will mention some points which I mentioned above already)
    • Learn about Kanji first. (Like what is kanji and why should we learn it?)
    • Learn about History of kanji.
    • What is On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi?
    • After learning above things about kanji, now you can start kanji officially. Now you will understand why we are learning kanji, what’s the use of it and why it is so important.
    • So for kanji, I will suggest you to start with very basic and useful things.
    • Learn Numbers in Kanji (ex: 一、二、三、四 etc…)
    • Read this Complete Guide to Japanese Numbers

If you have finished everything till here then you are good to go on your own. Now you can watch YouTube, use a dictionary to know the meaning of words, read articles or blogs or visit different websites or read books etc…

がんばってください。-  Do your best! 👍

Learn Japanese Language
How to learn japanese
how to remember hiragana
how to learn hiragana
how to remember hiragana
how to memorize hiragana
how to learn japanese from anime
how to remember katakana
how to learn katakana
how to remember katakana
how to memorize katakana
how to learn kanji fast and easy.
how to memorize kanji
how to remember kanji
how to talk in japanese
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Japanse particles
japanese video
